The association has a disinterested goal of international utility:

  • To strive for full, productive and decent employment, and for the elimination of all discrimination based on race, gender, nationality or creed.
  • To fight for better working and living conditions, and to establish, maintain and extend social security for all.
  • Maintain and develop free, strong, independent, democratic, powerful and effective trade union organizations at international, national and sub-regional levels.
  • To seek universal recognition and application of trade union rights.
  • Promote respect for trade union and human rights worldwide.
  • Continue to create, maintain and develop trade union organizations.
  • Developing countries' resources to promote economic, social and cultural progress.
  • To fight for the principles and values of dignity, respect, equal treatment and fairness.


In order to achieve this disinterested aim, the association's purpose is to carry out the following activities, both in Belgium and abroad, on its own behalf or on behalf of its members:

  • Unite the Orange Group's trade unions.
  • To be a legitimate partner in negotiations on the Orange Group's European and worldwide scope.
  • Represent its members in European and international bodies.
  • Offer its members a catalog of union and legal training courses.
  • To provide help, advice and assistance to its members.
  • To ensure that the Orange Group complies with the fundamental conventions of the ILO, in particular :
    * the use of forced labor,
    * all forms of discrimination,
    * health and safety at work,
    * freedom of association and the principle of collective bargaining